Harrison is a one-year old Westie whose life is in danger because of an incident with a small child.
Below is a YouTube Video of Harrison. He's the Westie playing with the cat on the bed.
The facts: Harrison is a 1 year old West Highland White Terrier (Westie) puppy. Story below on how he “bit” a child.
Harrison is now in the Uxbridge-Scugog Animal Control Centre, serving his 10-day quarantine, which ends on Tuesday Feburary 8, 2011.
- The “person claiming to be his owner” can get possession of this little dog on Wednesday February 9th.
- The “person claiming to be his owner” has stated publicly that he will have the puppy put to death.
There is a responsible breeder who is devastated...she has a contract which states:
If for any reason the owner is not please with the dog or he can’t remain with the original purchaser, it must be returned to the breeder. The dog must never be disposed of in any way without approval in writing from the breeder.
The breeder has retained legal counsel, but Harrison could be released to the “person claiming to be the owner” before the lawyer has time to help change the outcome.
Breeders, pet owners and many others across North America are trying to help save the life of this puppy.
Mr. Emes, Harrison's owner, died suddenly in January, 2011. Short days ago, his granddaughter was put on the floor unsupervised with Harrison and one of his toys. The child pulled the toy back and Harrison went for the toy and got the girl, who is all right and had one puncture wound. The uncle is very very angry and vindictive. He will not let Harrison go back to his breeder. The dog is at a NO KILL shelter for the 10 day quarantine and they are going to release Harrison on Feburary 8th, which is this Wednesday, back to Mrs. Ames’ son. He has stated that he will put down the dog, one way or another, if a vet clinic will not put down a healthy dog. The NO KILL shelter knows of his intentions.
We are in need of help to get this story to the public. Instead of the horrors of puppy mills, here you have a truly responsible breeder who believes it is her job to ensure that a puppy she brought into this world is cared for forever...either in a loving home or in her own care.
Below please find the legal grounds on which we can help save Harrison.
Order for Society to Keep Animal
(1.1) A justice of the peace or provincial judge may make an order authorizing the Society to keep in its care an animal that was removed under subsection (1) if, (a) the owner or custodian of the animal has been charged, in connection with the same fact situation that gave rise to the removal of the animal under subsection (1), with an offence under this Act or any other law in force in Ontario pertaining to the welfare of or the prevention of cruelty to animals; and (b) the justice of the peace or provincial judge is satisfied by information on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the animal may be harmed if returned to its owner or custodian. 2008, c. 16, s. 11 (1).
PLEASE HELP HARRISON TO LIVE by covering his story and spreading the word far and wide.
Below is a list of the Uxbridge Council members. Please contact them and let them know how you feel about the unjust treatment of this puppy.
Gerri Lynn O'Connor
905) 852-9181 Ext. 218
Regional Councilor:
Jack Ballinger
(416) 320-0585
Councilor Ward One:
Beverly Northeast
(905) 640-3966
Councilor Ward Two:
Pat Molloy
(905) 852-9181 Ext. 404
Councilor Ward Three:
Pat Mikuse
(905) 852-0206
Councilor Ward Four:
Jacob Mantle
(905) 852-9181 Ext. 407
Councilor Ward Five:
Gordon Highet
(905) 852-9181 Ext. 405
MPP Constituency Office: (Member of Provincial Parliament):
John O'Toole
(905) 697-1501
Toll Free: 1-800-661-2433
Chief Administrative Officer for Uxbridge:
Ingrid Svelnis
Uxbridge , Ontario
Fax for City Clerk:
Debbie Leroux, Clerk
Tel: 905-852 -9181 x 228
Fax: 905-852-9674
Shelter and Animal Control:
Uxbridge-Scugog Animal Control Centre
Tel: (905) 985-9547
Head of Uxbridge Municipal Law:
Andre Gratton, MLEO (C), C.P.S.O.
Supervisor of Municipal Law Enforcement
Tel: 905-852-9181 ext. 223
Fax: 905-852-9674
If you would like to donate to Penny-Belle's legal fund, her PayPal address is: pennybelle@xplornet.com
Thank you for your prayers and support!
ReplyDeleteThank you SO SO SO much for this letter and your support!
ReplyDeleteHow sad all around. The Uncle should have never left a baby on the ground with a puppy. Anything could happen with any breed. Even a cat or a bunny could hurt a young child left alone with it. I am sure now the Uncle must know he is in the wrong. Hopefully he will cool off and realize Harrison deserves more of a chance to be a good Westie. Mistakes happen. I am sure he was just playing and by accident bit the babies hand. If he does not want this Westie any longer we would love to have him!! OneLuckyFamily@aol.com
ReplyDeleteMany many people have sent letters to the town officials. If they don't respond, we will go to the media and our MPP.
I called and have not heard back. I emailed CTV news and City Line and the local TV station. Why is it that no one is picking this story up?
ReplyDeleteemails have been sent from Vancouver, BC!
ReplyDeleteI really hope the uncle does realize what he's doing sooner than later.. he will just regret this decision down the road..
Imagine telling that child 10 years from now that we killed a dog because we left you unattended with a puppy and a puppies toy and he accidently bit you to take the toy from you. If my parents told me that i'd be so ashamed and upset at them....
I really do hope something is done about this and Harrison is saved. This story has upset me very much like the dog sled story.. except in this case we're doing everything we can to prevent this poor pup from being put down... I really wish the media would stand up and pick up this story..
Harrison is safe and will be returned to Penny-Belle on Wednesday. Please do not send any more emails or messages to the town officials.
ReplyDeleteHi Brigitte
ReplyDeleteJust wondering how you know this??? Where has this information come from??
yes, please; how do you know this, what is your source? Until I see such news from Penny-Belle or someone known in this case, I will continue my efforts, and so will my friends.
ReplyDeleteAs of this morning (tuesday, february 8th) I believe your information is incorrect. She is not scheduled to be returned to Penny-Belle tomorrow. There has been no paperwork signed yet and a last ditch injunction may have to be filed this afternoon (Tuesday) to hopefully stop any further action. Keep fighting the good fight!
I've just emailed Corrie at Westies In Need (WIN)http://www.westiesinneed.com/. She'll know how to go about this.
ReplyDeleteSorry, here's a live link http://www.westiesinneed.com/